Agnes Plantagenet
William Prince Of England
Ela Deveraux
Henry Prince Of England
Marguerite Princess Of France
Matilda Princess Of England
DukeEarl Heinrich V "The Lion" Saxony And Bavaria
Richard I "Coeur De Lion", King Of England
Berengaria Princess Of Navarre
Mrs-Richard I "Coeur De Loin", King Of England
Arthur, Prince of England England
Geoffrey Prince Of England
Constance Countess Of Bretagne
Philip Prince Of England
Blanca Alphonsa Princess Castile
Louis Viii, "The Lion" France
Berengaria Alfonsez "la Castile
Alfonso Ix Fernandez Leon
Sancho Prince Of Castile
Enrique Prince Of Castile
Urraca Princess Of Castile
Affonso Ii "The Fat" Prince Of PORTUGAL ‎[TWIN]‎ Portugal
Ferdinand Prince Of Castile
Constance Princess Of Castile
Matilda Princess Of Castile
Sancha Princess Of Castile
Eleanor Princess Of Castile
Jaime I Pedrez Aragon & Mallorca
Enrique I King Castile
Mafalda Princess Of Portugal
Maud Princess Of Portugal
Eleanor Princess Of England
Alfonso Viii Sanchez King Of CASTILE
Joanna Princess Of England
Raimond Vi, Count Toulouse
Guglielmo Ii "il Buono", King Of Sicily
Henry III King of England
Eleonore de Provence Queen of England
Richard Prince Of England
Isabel Marshall
Sancha Countess Of Provence
Joan Or Jane Valletort
Beatrix Van Valkenburg
Eleanor Princess Of England
Simon V de Montfort
William Marshall
Richard Fitzroy
Rohsia ‎(Rose)‎ Dover
John "Lackland" King England
Isabel Fitzrobert
Isabella de Taillefer
Matilda Gifford
Agatha de Ferrers
Hawisa Fitzwarin
Miss de Warrene
William Longespee
Idoine de Camville
Isabel Longespee
William Vescy
Petronilla Longespee
Ela, Countess Of Warwick Longespee
William de Odingsells
Philip Basset
Thomas Earl Of Warwick
Richard Longespee
Stephen Longespee
Emmeline de Riddlesford
Nicholas Longespee
Ida ‎(Idonea)‎ "Camvile" Longespee
Walter Fitzrobert
William de Beauchamp
Ralph de Somery
Lora Longespee
William Longespee
Ela Deveraux
Joan ‎(Unbekannt)‎
Henry Ii "Plantagenet" England
Eleanore Princess Of Aquitaine
Annabel Balliol
Rosamond Clifford
Ykenai Hikenai Concubine 1 England
Mrs-Henry Ii, Concubine 2 England
Mrs-Henry Ii, Concubine 5 England
Mrs-Henry Ii, Concubine 6 England
Geoffrey Vi "Mantell" Plantagenet
Guillaume Plantagenet
Emma Plantagenet
Dafydd Ap Owain
John de Warenne
Alice Lusignan
Alice Le Brun
Joan Mowbray
Isabel ‎(Unbekannt)‎
William Plantagenet ‎(War‎
Maud ‎(Matilda)‎ Marshall
Maud D' Albini ‎(Albeney)‎
Adela ‎(Unbekannt)‎
Isabel ‎(Unbekannt)‎
Margaret ‎(Unbekannt)‎
Hugh Le Bigod
Maud ‎(Matilda)‎ Marshall
William Le Bigod
Margaret De Sutton
Thomas Le Bigod
Alice ‎(Adeliza)‎ Bigod
Alberic ‎(Audley)‎ de Vere
William Malet
Margaret ‎(Margery)‎ Bigod
William de Hastings
William Hastings
Mary Bigod
Robert Fitzranulf
Roger Le Bigod
Ralph Bigod
Ida ‎(Isabel)‎ Plantagenet
Roger Bigod
Hamelin Plantagenet
Isabel de Warenne
Geoffrey V "Le Plantagenet
Matilda ‎(Maud)‎, Princess Of England
Mrs-Geoffrey V, ‎[Concubine 1]‎ Plantagenet
Mrs-Geoffrey V, Concubine 2 Plantagenet
Marguerite Countess Of Flanders And Hainault
Bouchard D' Avesnes
Baudouin Ix ‎(Vi)‎, Count Of Flanders & Hainault]
Marie de Champagne
Louis Viii, "The Lion" France
Blanca Alphonsa Princess Castile
Isabelle de Hainault
Philippe Auguste Ii France
Yolande de Courtenay
Andras Ii ‎(Masodik Endre]‎, King Of Hungary
Marguerite de Courtenay
Raoul Iii D'Issoudun
Henri I Count Vianden
Yolande, Countess Of Flanders
Pierre Ii de Courtenay
Philippe I Count Namur
Marie Princess Of France
Henri de Flanders
Agnes de Montferrat
Marija, Princess Of Bulgaria
Eustach de Flanders
‎(Unbekannt)‎ Komnene;Princess
Marguerite de Lorraine
Baudouin Viii ‎(V)‎, Count Of Flanders & Hainault
Raoul Ii Count Vermandois
Mathilde Princess Of Brabant
Floris Iv Count Holland
Henri Ii Duke Brabant
Maria de Swabia
Sofie, Princess Of Thuringia
Maud D' Alsace
Henri I, Duke Brabant
Matthieu D' Alsace
Marie Countess Of Mortain
Sibilla ‎(Sibyl)‎ ‎(Sybil)‎ Anjou
Dietrich ‎(Thierry)‎ D' Alsace
Guillaume Iii, Prince Normandy
Theodorici D' Eu
William Count Of Flanders
Mathilde D' Anjou
William "Atheling" Prince England
Theodric ‎(Thierry)‎ D' Alsace
Elias D' Anjou
Philippe Countess Of Perche
Ermengarde ‎(Ermentrude)‎ Countess Maine
Foulques V, Count Of Anjou
Elias ‎(Helie)‎ Count Maine
Matilde de Chateau Du Loire
Paula ‎(Unbekannt)‎
Jean de La Fleche

Lancelin de Beaugency
Paule Du Maine