Compact Chart:
Otto Jontof-Hutter

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Isak Löw Jontof
1747-1823 ‎(76)‎
Compact Chart: I25920Compact Chart: I25927
Joachim Jontof-Hutter
Compact Chart: I25922 Emanuel Jontof-Hutter
1817-1865 ‎(47)‎
Compact Chart: I25926 Anna Bachrach
Compact Chart: I25921Compact Chart: I25834
Gella Ewa Tritsch
Ignaz Jontof-Hutter
1848-1922 ‎(74)‎
Compact Chart: I25837 Otto Jontof-Hutter
1879-1948 ‎(68)‎
Compact Chart: I25840
Auguste Steindler
1858-1930 ‎(72)‎
 Compact Chart: I25835
Isak Löw Jontof
1747-1823 ‎(76)‎
Compact Chart: I25920
Jacob Isak Jontof-Hutter
1786-1835 ‎(49)‎
Compact Chart: I25064 Anna Jontof-Hutter
1822-1901 ‎(78)‎
Compact Chart: I25065 Franziska Ziemer
Compact Chart: I25921
Gella Ewa Tritsch

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