Arbre compact:
Henry Prince Of England

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Foulques Iv "Rechin" Anjou
1043-1109 ‎(66)‎
Elias ‎(Helie)‎ Count Maine
1060-1110 ‎(50)‎
Guillaume Vi ‎(VIII, Guy Gottfried]‎, Duke Of Aquitaine
1026-1086 ‎(60)‎
Guillaume Iv Count Toulouse
1040-1093 ‎(53)‎
Arbre compact: I4195Arbre compact: I4197Arbre compact: I4203Arbre compact: I4205
Foulques V, Count Of Anjou
1092-1143 ‎(51)‎
Arbre compact: I3403 Geoffrey V "Le Plantagenet
1113-1151 ‎(38)‎
Arbre compact: I3432 Ermengarde ‎(Ermentrude)‎ Countess Maine
1096-1126 ‎(30)‎
Guillaume Vii ‎(IX)‎ Duke Of Aquitaine
1071-1126/27 ‎(55)‎
Arbre compact: I3336 Guillaume X Duke Aquitaine
1099-1137 ‎(38)‎
Arbre compact: I3158 Philippa ‎(Mathilde Or Maude]‎ Toulouse
1073-1117 ‎(44)‎
Arbre compact: I4196Arbre compact: I3422Arbre compact: I4198Arbre compact: I4204Arbre compact: I3414Arbre compact: I4206
Bertrade de Montfort
1059-1117 ‎(58)‎
Matilde de Chateau Du Loire
1055-1099 ‎(44)‎
Hildegarde, Princess Of France
1049-1104 ‎(55)‎
Mathilde Countess Of Toulouse
Henry Ii "Plantagenet" England
1133-1189 ‎(56)‎
Arbre compact: I3412 Henry Prince Of England
1155-1183 ‎(28)‎
Arbre compact: I3149
Eleanore Princess Of Aquitaine
1121/22-1204 ‎(82)‎
 Arbre compact: I3344Arbre compact: I3343
Malcolm Iii "Ceanmor" Scotland
1033-1093 ‎(60)‎
Boson Ii Viscount Chatellerault
Barthelemy de L' Isle Bouchard
Arbre compact: I13427Arbre compact: I4593Arbre compact: I4595
King Of England Henry I "Beauclerc" ‎(inconnu)‎
1068-1135 ‎(67)‎
Arbre compact: I14375 Matilda ‎(Maud)‎, Princess Of England
1102-1167 ‎(65)‎
Arbre compact: I3405 Matilda "Atheling" Princess Scotland
1079/80-1118 ‎(38)‎
Aimeri I Viscount Chatellerault
Arbre compact: I3261 Eleanor de Chatellerault
1103-1130 ‎(27)‎
Arbre compact: I3087 Dangereuse ‎(aka)‎ Maubergeonne Isle Bouchard
Arbre compact: I4202Arbre compact: I4594Arbre compact: I4596
Margaret "Atheling" Princess England
1043/44-1093 ‎(49)‎
Aleanor ‎(Eleanor)‎ de Thouars
Gerberge ‎(inconnu)‎

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